Descritpions of cemetary and memorial places from period of World War I in Poland |
Surname | Name | Military rank/ Nationality |
Military unit | Death date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Burial place | Birth date | Birth place |
BARTJUK | MARK | GEM./RUSS. | I.R.277 | - | Łambinowice I | 1884 | - |
MARTSCHENKO | NESTOR | GEM./RUSS. | I.R.277 | 1916-12-22 | Łambinowice I | 1874 | - |
MISCHKIN | ALEXANDER | GEM/ROSJA | I. R. 277 | 1917-12-15 | Łambinowice I | 1887 | - |
SIBOROW | STEFAN | GEM./RUSS. | I.R.277 | 1917-06-23 | Łambinowice I | 1898 | - |
WIDKOWSKI | STEPHAN | GEM./RUSS. | I.R.277 | 1917-07-11 | Łambinowice I | 1894 | - |