Descritpions of cemetary and memorial places from period of World War I in Poland

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171-й пехотный Кобринский полк

Surname Name Military rank/
Military unit Death date
Burial place Birth date Birth place
KARACEW GRZEGORZ - 171 P.P. 1916-05-08 Wilno - -
BALAKIREF WASSILI GEM/ROSJA I.R.171 1918-10-21 Łambinowice I 1891 -
BOLUTSCHAJEW PETR GEM/ROSJA I.R.171 1918-11-05 Łambinowice I 1876 -
BUCHWALOW MAXIM GEM./RUSS. I.R.171 - Łambinowice I 1891 -
DERGUNOW ANDREE GEM./RUSS. I.R.171 1918-02-09 Łambinowice I 1875 -
SOLAWIEW PETER GEM./RUSS. I.R.171 1918-04-27 Łambinowice I 1893 -